Hip-hop legend Casual, hailing from the vibrant city of Oakland, California, has unleashed an exciting new project titled Starduster EP. As a revered member of the iconic Hieroglyphics crew, Casual makes a powerful comeback with this EP, showcasing his artistic evolution and unwavering passion for the craft. The entire project is produced by the talented Albert Jenkins, whose unique soundscapes weave a mystical ambiance throughout the work.
One standout track, “Head Strong,” serves as a prime example of Casual’s exceptional lyricism, brimming with clever wordplay and thought-provoking themes, seamlessly complemented by Jenkins’ ethereal beats. The Starduster EP captures the essence of the Bay Area’s DIY indie ethos, masterfully merging diverse musical influences from both the East Bay and South Bay regions. Listeners can expect to experience a rich tapestry of sounds underscored by elite lyricism and intricate, soulful beat construction.
This EP is not just a collection of songs; it features an expertly crafted assembly of tracks from esteemed industry veterans, all contributing their unique voices to create a compelling auditory experience that resonates deeply with fans.
“Head Strong” by Casual and Albert Jenkins was released to digital streaming platforms on November 15th, 2024, and is now playing on Fresh Kicks: Boom-Bap.